The History Boards project

Lead and blood

The cartoon, as an instrument of resistance. A neutral and apolitical device that aims to make young people reflect on the societies of yesterday and today by addressing, in a historical perspective and through the artistic relay, the issue of the rise of extremism and resistance to violence of all kinds




Paper cartoon
Digital comics


The virtual exhibition
The physical exhibition
The friendly-guide


The project

The European project : historyboards
The scientific site

Videos and audio

The paper cartoon teaser

The making off of creations
The presentation ot the project Musical creations 



Albums and creations

The comic book : the story in the historical context of the « Leading Years ».
The interactive comic book brings you to Peter’s apartment : to carry out the experience, activate all the objects and come back in all the rooms : your will reveal new contents and finish the quest.
The exhibition and its companion : interactive educational booklet to be used in group.
These creations have been designed to be used together or separately.

album bd

The paper cartoon

Download the album by Seif Eddine Nechi


The interactive cartoon

To download and browse in French, Italian and English, free access

expo deplombetdesang

The exhibition and the interactive visiting companion

Coming in festivals and downloadable in digital mode for use in schools and cultural centers

The story in its historical context. The album is available in paper format during our workshops and can be downloaded in pdf format.

A 360° story: visit all the rooms, animate all the objects and come back in the apartment to finish your quest!
Another vision of the story: the meeting of Peter and Alessia and their confrontation.

A physical and virtual exhibit for your school and classrooms! Our visiting companion gives for young people the keys to understand the story and the issues. Need some help?

Know more


The teaser from la Scuola italiana di Comix

seif nechi tablette

The making off by la Scuola italiana di Comix


Musical compositions : Julien Ferrando and Charles Fourment


Lullaby     Furioso      Pop Rock       Amore 


Find the exhibition

Expo physique De plomb et de sangg

The exhibition of the project and the comics competition

Coming soon
At the Camp des Milles Memorial


For groups, scholars and students : the digital exhibition

Download the interactive visit companion

A friendly guide to approach the exhibition in a more playful way and to discover it on the web and in the classroom

Discover also the scientific resources of the project


You would like to use our tools and creations

This project, conceived and developed with the support of the Creative Europe Programme, is aimed at young people and adults in informal environments, in classrooms and in social and cultural facilities. Our creations are free of charge, provided that the authors and the Program are specified.e

A pedagogical kit is available and has been designed together with the Camp des Milles Foundation and the project’s university partners to accompany mediators in the discovery of this information and awareness raising tool. Contact us 


Behind the scenes of the project
